
Carol's Things

20"x 24" oil on canvas. I painted this for
my friend Carol Ann several years ago. The teapot
is the one I put in the painting I posted a few days ago
title " In Memory of Carol Ann". All the things
on this tablescape belonged to her.


Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Again, she is somewhere just loving this tribute.
It's beautiful.

wanda knight said...

Thank you so much Mary. Yes she was a special friend. We were single moms together many moons ago.

Anonymous said...

hey to my beautiful, talented mom. I am glad to see you up and running on your blog again. All the additions are lovely. love, joy k

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful way to remember Carol. She would be and is so pleased I'm sure. I think of her often and it's her face tilted back with that wonderful laugh that normally comes to mind. Lin

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful and thoughtful thing to do - honor your friend with a painting! I think everyone should have a painting of the little pieces of the life that made the person they loved so special, I am crying while I am writing this, it is so touching. Auntie Mary (to Mary Sheehan Winn)

wanda knight said...

Anonymous, Thank you. Yes, Carol Ann was a special friend and she would be overjoyed to see the painting of "Her Things" commented on like this. thank you again

Anonymous said...

How sweet of you to "comment" on my late comment. Thank you. Auntie Mary