
Iris by Carmen

7"x 5" oil on panel
My neighbor Carmen grew this
beauty in her garden.
I get to appreciate all her hard
work just by lookin out my studio window.


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Helen Read said...

Welcome back! I love Irises... and you've captured this one so well.

Heidi Malott said...

This is beautiful Wanda!! I hope your daughter is doing well. Have a great weekend!

wanda knight said...

Thank you Helen and Heidi. It is good to be back in my studio. My daughter is recovering. Thanks for asking about her.

thevintageboquet said...

This iris is a beauty! The depth of the color is very true..Good job. Are you working on another one today? Deb

wanda knight said...

Thank you Deb. Yes, I have started another Iris painting. Actually it is a painting of three irises.